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Match Statistics

View all results of matches between Ireland and Italy
Results for Ireland at home and Italy away
Results for Ireland away and Italy at home
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2017 (Februray 11) Italy 0 0 Ireland 0 1 0 0 DETAILS
2016 (March 12) Ireland 0 0 Italy 0 1 0 0 DETAILS
2015 (February 7) Italy 3 26 Ireland 0 26 3 23 DETAILS
2014 (March 8) Ireland 46 7 Italy 0 46 7 39 DETAILS
2013 (March 16) Italy 22 15 Ireland 1 15 22 7 DETAILS
2012 (February 25) Ireland 42 10 Italy 0 42 10 32 DETAILS
2011 (October 2) Ireland 36 6 Italy 0 36 6 30 DETAILS
2011 (February 5) Italy 11 13 Ireland 0 13 11 2 DETAILS
2010 (February 6) Ireland 29 11 Italy 0 29 11 18 DETAILS
2009 (February 15) Italy 9 38 Ireland 0 38 9 29 DETAILS
2008 (February 2) Ireland 16 11 Italy 0 16 11 5 DETAILS
2007 (August 24) Ireland 23 20 Italy 0 23 20 3 DETAILS
2007 (March 17) Italy 20 51 Ireland 0 51 20 31 DETAILS
2006 (February 4) Ireland 26 16 Italy 0 26 16 10 DETAILS
2005 (February 6) Italy 17 28 Ireland 0 28 17 11 DETAILS
2004 (March 20) Ireland 17 3 Italy 0 17 3 14 DETAILS
2003 (August 30) Ireland 61 6 Italy 0 61 6 55 DETAILS
2003 (February 22) Italy 13 37 Ireland 0 37 13 24 DETAILS
2002 (March 23) Ireland 32 17 Italy 0 32 17 15 DETAILS
2001 (February 3) Italy 22 41 Ireland 0 41 22 19 DETAILS
2000 (March 4) Ireland 60 13 Italy 0 60 13 47 DETAILS
1999 (April 10) Ireland 39 30 Italy 0 39 30 9 DETAILS
1997 (December 20) Italy 37 22 Ireland 1 22 37 15 DETAILS
1997 (January 4) Ireland 29 37 Italy 1 29 37 8 DETAILS
1995 (May 6) Italy 22 12 Ireland 1 12 22 10 DETAILS
1988 (December 31) Ireland 31 15 Italy 0 31 15 16 DETAILS



Number of Matches
Number of Draws
Longest Winning Streak
Biggest Winning Margin
Biggest Score
Total Points
Average Points